Welcome to the WNC Fall Prevention Coalition’s Web site!
We are happy you are here! Our site and service listings are designed to simplify your search for resources that meet your fall prevention needs. The organizations represented on our Coalition are dedicated to our Mission, to reduce the number of falls and fall-related injuries in Western North Carolina.
If you have any questions or would like to get involved, you may e-mail the WNC Fall Prevention Coalition at
fallpreventioncoalitionwnc@gmail.com , or call Heather Bauer 828-450-6678.
F If you are a Henderson County resident, you may wish to customize your local search and contact their Chapter Representative directly:
Thomas Hager, Henderson County Coalition Director, Executive Director/LifeCare Center
o: 828-697-4348 Ext. 1105 e: thomas_hager@lcca.com
Mission Statement:
The WNC Fall Prevention Coalition is committed to reducing the number of falls and fall-related injuries in Western North Carolina.
Vision St atement: Lead the nation in reducing the number of falls and fall-related injuries through focused, coordinated effort.
Charter Statement: Committed to a standard of excellence for preventing falls and fall related injuries among older adults in Western North Carolina through infrastructure development and maintenance, community awareness and education, provider education, risk assessment, multifactorial interventions, surveillance and evaluation, and advocacy for supportive policies and environments.
The WNC Fall Prevention Coalition has taken every effort to locate and identify fall prevention services offered in our region for this resource guide; however, a listing in this guide does not constitute any endorsement by the WNC Fall Prevention Coalition. We strongly encourage any individual interested in these services to use due diligence in order to confirm licensing requirements, recorded grievances, hiring practices, and other pertinent information that would be necessary for you to make the best personal assessment before you make use of them.
You may visit www.ncdhhs.gov/dhsr/acls/star/search.asp for nursing home ratings of assisted living and skilled nursing facilities.